MTSC Penang with Special Series Team Building at Escape Park Penang
MTSC Solution carried out an extraordinary team building in Penang which was held at Escape Theme Park Penang with an amount of 34 participants. It was a full day team building program with collaboration of Escape Team Staff from the Escape Theme Park Penang.

Teams was greeted outside the park entrance, where the participants are excitedly ready for the adventure and the challenge. Despite the weather seems like its raining soon, the Game Marshall without hesitation conducted its general briefing and safety of the park. The teams are directed to the “Adventure Play” for first 4 challenges. Upon arriving at the park, group photos were taken with the complimentary team building event banner. Point System Cards are also distributed to the participants in order to record down their achievements and point contribution to their teams. In a while later, it drizzled and yet the participants continue embracing their challenges after obtaining safe green lights from the Escape Park Team Staffs to proceed.
The teams regathered once again after all the completion of team building challenges at the Adventure Play (Dry Park) and ready to proceed to the Water Play (Water Park).
Teams are given chance to change into their suits before entering the water park and all personal belongings were safely kept in the provided lockers. Before the second sets of team building challenges commencing at the Water Park, teams were arranged with lunch break. Foods & Drinks were pre-ordered from Escape Park and being held at the designated area with proper dining amenities.
After the lunch and some decent break time, teams are sent to several team building stations in the Water Park. The challenges here are customized by our team with the remaining challenges awaiting. In order to allow the participants to enjoy the rest of the day and exploring further at the parks, we ended the team building programs after a final group photo with a big water splashed at the Water Playhouse.


Regardless venues, our team would be able to customized a memorable and exciting Team Building programs for your groups.
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